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Alberta Minimum Wage at $15.00 Per Hour Starting April 2024; Special Rates Apply for Students and Domestic Workers

April 1, 2024: Starting October 1, 2024, the Alberta minimum wage 2024 for most workers will be $15.00 per hour. This is $2.30 less than the federal minimum wage in Canada, which is $17.30. The federal rate only applies to workers in federally regulated industries like banking and transportation. Each province, including Alberta, sets its own minimum wage for other jobs. 

The $15.00 Alberta minimum wage rate in Alberta has been in place since October 1, 2018, but there are some special cases to consider:

  • Domestic Employees: Since June 26, 2019, workers living with their employers must have been paid at least $2,848 per month. Those not living with their employers earn a minimum wage of $15 per hour.
  • Students under 18: During the school year, if they work up to 28 hours in a week, they earn $13.00 per hour. If they work more than 28 hours in a week, they must be paid $15.00 per hour for the extra hours.
  • Salespersons and Land Agents: As of June 26, 2019, these workers should earn a minimum of $598 per week.
  • Domestic Employees: Since June 26, 2019, workers living with their employers must have been paid at least $2,848 per month. Those not living with their employers earn a minimum wage of $15 per hour.

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