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Alberta Time Change: Everything You Need to Know

As we gear up for the biannual clock shuffle known as Daylight Saving Time, let’s dive into what this means for your alarm clock and your work schedule. Whether you love getting that extra hour of daylight in the evening or dread losing an hour of sleep in the spring, understanding how Alberta time change impacts your work life can make the transition smoother. So, grab your coffee, and let’s break down the ins and outs of springing forward and falling back in good ol’ Alberta!

What’s the Deal with Alberta Time Change – Daylight Saving Time (DST)?

Daylight Saving Time (DST)—yup, it’s “Saving,” not “Savings”—is all about making the most of the sunny hours, so we don’t have to burn through as much artificial light (and energy). It’s like flipping your clock forward in the spring to catch the early rays and stretching out the evening a bit.

Like in many parts of Canada, most folks in Alberta switch their clocks on the second Sunday in March and keep it that way till the first Sunday in November. We do this switcheroo at 2 AM, mainly because most of us are sleeping and won’t miss the hour till we wake up to the new time.

A Little Time Travel Through History

Believe it or not, the concept of DST isn’t all that new. It was first tossed around by Benjamin Franklin way back in 1784, kind of as a joke about saving candle wax. But it didn’t get traction until an English builder named William Willett pitched it seriously in 1907. Germany was the first to dive in during World War I to save on coal.

Here in Canada, we’ve been on and off this time-train since around the same time, even though Alberta’s been pretty steady with it since 1918. There was talk about scrapping DST in Alberta in 2017, and the chatter popped up again in 2021, but we’re sticking with it for now.

Alberta Time Change: Switching to Daylight Saving Time

When Do We Spring Forward?

Every second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM, Alberta shifts from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time. Remember to set your clocks forward as per the Alberta time change!

What Happens to Work Shifts?

If you’re working during this change, you’ll clock one hour less because we spring the clocks forward. But don’t worry about your paycheck; there’s no reduction in pay for this shorter shift. However, if you work more than 7 hours on this day (for a standard 40-hour work week) or more than 6 3/4 hours (for a 38 3/4-hour work week), then overtime pay kicks in.

Changing Back to Standard Time

When Do We Fall Back?

Mark your calendars: the shift back to Standard Time occurs at 2:00 AM on the first Sunday of November. It’s time to turn those clocks back!

What Happens to Work Shifts During Alberta Time Change?

If you’re working through the change, you’ll work an extra hour this time. Just like in the spring, your pay won’t be adjusted for this longer shift. But here’s the plus side—if you work more than 9 hours on this day (for those on a 40-hour week schedule) or more than 8 3/4 hours (for those on a 38 3/4-hour week schedule), you’re entitled to overtime compensation.

Why Bother with Daylight Saving Time?

Handy Dandy Reminder

Switching the time twice yearly does more than confuse our schedules—it’s a nudge to check on safety stuff around the house. It’s time to swap out those old batteries in your smoke alarms and maybe give that furnace filter a once-over. It’s not just about changing the filter twice a year but keeping things running smoothly.

Gear Up for the Big Days

With DST changes signaling a seasonal shift, it’s a perfect time to start prepping for big holidays like Easter or Christmas. Thinking of sprucing up the house? Maybe get those carpets cleaned before the relatives storm in for a festive mess. And hey, don’t wait too long to book those cleaning services!

Boost Your Vitamin D

Longer daylight means more sun time, and that’s a big deal up here in the north. We need all the Vitamin D for strong bones and a healthy heart. Plus, it’s a natural mood lifter, thanks to that sunshine helping our bodies make serotonin—yep, that’s the good stuff that keeps our spirits high.

Sleep and Happiness

After the initial grogginess of losing an hour in spring, DST might help us sleep better in the long run. More daylight = more serotonin = better sleep when it’s time to hit the hay. And better sleep often means a happier, healthier you.


What is the time change schedule for Alberta in 2024?

In 2024, Alberta will follow the typical Daylight Saving Time (DST) schedule. Clocks will be set forward one hour at 2:00 AM on the second Sunday in March, which falls on March 10, 2024. The clocks will be set back one hour at 2:00 AM on the first Sunday – November 3, 2024.

When is the time change in Alberta for March?

The time change in Alberta for March will occur at 2:00 AM on the second Sunday of the month. In 2024, this date is March 10. Remember to set your clocks forward one hour.

Is Alberta Getting Rid of Daylight Savings Time?

As of now, Alberta continues to observe Daylight Saving Time. Although there have been discussions and proposals about abandoning the biannual time change, no official decision has been made to eliminate it permanently. The debate continues, and any changes would be announced by the provincial government.

What is the Alberta time zone?

Alberta operates in the Mountain Time Zone (MT). From the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, during Daylight Saving Time, Alberta is on Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), which is UTC-6. For the rest of the year, during Standard Time, Alberta is on Mountain Standard Time (MST), which is UTC-7.

Now that you’re all clued up on how Alberta’s time change affects our clocks and work hours mark those calendar dates. If you have any questions about how these changes affect your work schedule or anything else, leave a comment below.