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Embracing New Beginnings: A Simple Guide to Maternity Leaves in Alberta

Welcoming a new baby is an exciting time filled with anticipation and joy, but it can also raise questions about balancing work and family life. If you’re gearing up for maternity leave and feeling overwhelmed with all the legal jargon, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! This friendly guide breaks down everything you need to know about taking maternity leave in Alberta simply and stress-freely. Let’s ensure you can focus on what’s truly important: preparing for your little one’s arrival.

Understanding Maternity Leave in Alberta Rules

Who is Eligible for Maternity Leave?

If you’ve been working with the same employer for at least 90 days, you can take maternity leave. This rule ensures that you can take time off for your child’s birth without worrying about losing your job.

Job Protection During Maternity Leave

When you take maternity leave, you have the assurance of returning to your job—or a similar position—once your leave ends. Remember, your employer isn’t required to pay your salary or benefits while on leave unless specified in your employment contract or a collective agreement.

How Long Can You Take?

You can take up to 16 consecutive weeks off for maternity leave. This period can start anytime within the 13 weeks leading up to your expected due date, up until the actual date of birth.

Health Considerations

You’re required to take a minimum of 6 weeks off after giving birth for health reasons. However, if both you and your employer agree, and you provide a medical certificate indicating it’s safe, you may return to work earlier.

What if You Experience Pregnancy Loss?

If you experience a pregnancy loss within 16 weeks of your estimated due date, you are still entitled to 16 weeks of maternity leave, starting from when the leave began.

Notice Requirements

To start your leave, you need to provide your employer with written notice at least 6 weeks before you plan to take leave. You don’t have to give a return date at this point.

Early Start to Maternity Leave in Alberta

If your pregnancy affects your ability to work in the 12 weeks before your due date, your employer can ask you to start your leave early. This request must be made in writing.

Medical Documentation

Your employer may request a medical certificate confirming your pregnancy and estimated delivery date.

Ending Your Maternity Leave in Alberta

You should notify your employer at least four weeks in advance if you plan to return to work or if you decide not to return after your maternity leave. If you provide this notice, your employer might only reinstate you if unforeseen circumstances justify the delay.


How many hours do you need for maternity leave in ‘Berta? 

Alberta has no specific hourly requirement to qualify for maternity leave. Instead, you must have been employed with the same employer for at least 90 days before the start of your leave.

How long is maternity leave in AB? 

Maternity leave in Alberta can be up to 16 consecutive weeks. This leave can start any time within the 13 weeks leading up to your estimated due date but no later than the day of the baby’s birth.

What are Alberta’s employment standards for maternity leave? 

Alberta’s employment standards for maternity leave include:

  • Eligibility after 90 days of employment with the same employer.
  • Up to 16 weeks of unpaid leave.
  • The right to return to the same or a comparable job after the leave.
  • Job protection during the leave, meaning you cannot be fired or laid off due to taking maternity leave.
  • Employers are not required to pay wages or benefits during leave unless stipulated in an employment contract or collective agreement.
  • You must provide at least 6 weeks of notice before starting your leave unless medical or other unexpected circumstances arise.

As you prepare for Alberta maternity leave, remember that managing your professional responsibilities includes keeping up-to-date with other employment-related matters. For instance, if you need to handle any Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) claims or check on your employment insurance status during your leave, accessing the WCB Alberta platform is essential. Learn how to log in to WCB Alberta easily.