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Paris 2024 Paralympics: Wheelchair Basketball

Wheelchair basketball is one of the most popular and dynamic sports in the Paralympics. It combines speed, agility, and teamwork, and athletes are classified based on their functional abilities. Players maneuver specialized wheelchairs to pass, shoot, and defend, making for an exciting and highly competitive game.


  • 1.0 Classification: This classification is for athletes with the least physical function, typically with no trunk control. These athletes rely entirely on their upper body and arms to propel the wheelchair and handle the ball.
  • 1.5 Classification: Athletes in this class have slightly more trunk control, allowing for some ability to twist or lean.
  • 4.5 Classification: This classification is for athletes with the most physical function allowed in wheelchair basketball, typically with complete trunk control and good mobility.

Albertan Athletes Participating:

Three Albertan athletes are participating in wheelchair basketball at the Paris 2024 Paralympics: