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Calgary Pipe Repairs Nearing Completion, Water Restrictions to End This Weekend

September 19, 2024: After four months of water-saving efforts from Calgary residents, City officials are preparing to wrap up the Bearspaw Water Feeder main repairs. The repairs are expected to be finished by this weekend.

Francois Bouchart, Calgary’s Director of Capital Priorities and Investments, shared in a Wednesday update that the feeder main is being refilled, and the repair work is progressing smoothly. He added that water restrictions, which have been in place for the past month, should be lifted by the weekend. Bouchart reassured residents that no significant changes in water pressure are expected once the main is back in full operation.

Unlike the phased lifting of restrictions back in July, this time all restrictions will be lifted at once once the repairs are complete. However, residents are encouraged to slowly return to regular water use as the work wraps up.

“We are so close to the end, I want to remind you we need to keep with water restrictions until repairs are done,” Bouchart said. “Your collective efforts have gotten us this far… let’s finish strong.”

He also mentioned that while some sections of the main still need repairs, those fixes will begin in October and November. Thankfully, these are smaller jobs and won’t require new water restrictions.

If everything goes according to plan, Calgary residents can expect things to return to normal by this weekend, marking the end of a challenging few months since June.

For more on Calgary’s water crisis and related alerts, check out our Alberta Emergency Alert: Calgary Water Crisis coverage. To stay informed on emergency alerts and safety tips, visit Alberta Emergency Alert and explore Alberta Weather Forecasting Tools to better prepare for future situations.